Eine Nacht in Karazhan
Der Trailer zum nächsten Hearthstone Solo-Abenteuer. Erzmagier Medivh lädt zur größten Party Azeroths, und Euer Name steht auf der Gästeliste. Kämpft euch durch die vier Flügel von Karazhan und gewinnt bis zu 45 neue Karten.
Release: 11. August 2016
Hearthstone: Whispers of the Old Gods
Cinematic Trailer
Link: Official Website
World of Warcraft: LEGION
Feature Overview
The Burning Legion has returned, and the heroes of Azeroth are being called to the Broken Isles to continue their adventures. Attempting to drive the Legion back will take players to level 110, have them wielding powerful Artifact Weapons, progressing through a new PvP Honor system, gathering with their brothers and sisters in Class Orders, and even choosing a new character class altogether: the Demon Hunter.
Learn more at WorldofWarcraft.com/Legion
World of Warcraft: LEGION
Cinematic Teaser
Gul’dan works in secret to set a new era into motion, for which Azeroth can scarcely prepare.
Learn more at WorldofWarcraft.com/Legion