
Nomura Tetsuya’s Final Fantasy V and VI’s Character Drawings


Arguably, Nomura Tetsuya came to fame when Final Fantasy VIII was released with critical and commercial success and subsequently became the “face” of Final Fantasy series. But not many knew, he first started designing monsters in Final Fantasy V and VI. 

Ever wondered what his character design would look like if he had drawn the characters in these games? Well, the planner for FF V and VI, Aki Takashi, just revealed some of the drafts of the character drawings that Nomura did during that time. Like it? Dislike it?

It’s always enlightening to see the early drawings of someone so famous now.

Quelle: genre: comedy.


Final Fantasy VI Bonus Fresko


Heyyy, well never say never. When i said i didn’t wanted to finish the fresco anymore, I’ve had a lot of messages, personal mails and all, saying me how sad they were. I just cannot let down FFVI fans.. They are my soul mates :p

I’ll finish the first part! Then i’ll see for the two other parts, depending on how successful it is. Also thx a lot to @thekaos (his tumblr) who was really supportive! And to everyone who contacted me!

And as usual you can find the older parts there

Also this one has no numbers cause it was added after the others. It appears before the Cyan story, which will end in the next picture.

Quelle: Orioto Inn