FINAL FANTASY XIV – Patch 5.1 Trailer
Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty
Featuring 2B from NieR:Automata
Release: October 29, 2019
FINAL FANTASY XIV – A Requiem for Heroes
Patch 4.5 Trailer
War looms once again. Scarcely has Ala Mhigo taken its first breath of freedom when the Empire reaches out with ironclad fingers to reclaim the bloodied nation. Meanwhile, one after another, the Scions fall victim to an incurable slumber, leaving ever fewer of their number to contend with a rapidly disintegrating peace and the mystery of the voice which haunts them…
Release: January 8, 2019
Final Fantasy XIV - Shadowbringers Area Artwork
FINAL FANTASY XIV – Prelude in Violet
Patch 4.4 Trailer
The shadow of mystery deepens as the man who wears Zenos’s face continues to move unchecked, sowing the seeds of strife from the heart of the Empire.
Release: September 18, 2018
FINAL FANTASY XIV – Under the Moonlight
Patch 4.3 Trailer
Lord Hien’s negotations with the imperial envoy Asahi are proceeding apace, and their forthcoming prisoner exchange promises a burgeoning peace between Doma and the Empire.
Patch Notes: