DUKE NUKEM 3D – Main Theme
Played on floppy drives
by Paweł Zadrożniak
DUKE NUKEM 3D – Main Theme
Played on floppy drives
by Paweł Zadrożniak
Cuphead ~ HDD & Floppy Medley
By Arganalth
[Chrono Trigger] Corridors of Time
Arranged by MrSolidSnake745 using:
- 4 Floppy Disk Drives
- 4 Stepper Motors
- 1 Drum thing
[Undertale] Metal Crusher
Floppy Drive Cover by Arganalth
F-Zero - Mute City
Played on 8 Floppy Drives
by MrSolidSnake745
TaleSpin on 8 Floppy Drives
Another of my favorite Disney cartoon themes.
Metroid Theme on 8 Floppy Drives
Byte Magazine Cover (April 1981)
I love the tiny floppy disk so much pic.twitter.com/cVeaRHkWjo
FFVII - Those Who Fight Further on Sixteen Floppy Drives
Komponist: Nobuo Uematsu.
FF5 Battle Theme on Eight Floppy Drives
Sonic 3 - Ice Cap Zone (Floppy)
Airwolf Theme on Eight Floppy Drives
Final Fantasy VI - The Decisive Battle on Eight Floppy Drives
Interpret: MrSolidSnake745
Komponist: Nobuo Uematsu