Rockstar offering free game with Grand Theft Auto V PC pre-orders
Rockstar has announced some great pre-order bonuses for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto V.
Grand Theft Auto V
XOne/PS4/PC Trailer
Grand Theft Auto V is coming to PS4 and Xbox One on November 18, while the PC release has been delayed to January 27.
Grand Theft Auto V (Commodore 64)
Check out this impressive demo of the C64 version GTA V (released in 1990) we recently found on a tape lying around.
Grand Theft Auto: Springfield?
Grand Thief Select
by Drew Wise Design
$11 on 09/20 at
For some reason, switching characters in GTA V reminded me of old player select screens in the NES games I grew up with.
So naturally, I made a down n’ dirty Grand Theft Auto V character select screen fit for the Nintendo Entertainment System. For authenticity’s sake, I used the NES’ color palette.
Here’s a 30 minute screen capture of me making it.
By Alex Griendling / Blog / Twitter
GTA 5 Gewinnspiel
Passend zum baldigen Release von “Grand Theft Auto 5” verlosen wir ein Exemplar des Spiels für eine Konsole deiner Wahl! (Xbox360 oder PS3)
Teilnahmeschluss: 30. September 2013
NEW GTA V Screens
Grand Theft Auto V
Official Online Gameplay Video
How To Install GTA V
If you follow this method you will save a heap of money and be able to play the full game before everyone else! This is 100% safe and will not harm your computer in any way.
GTA V Screenshots