10. März 2014 iKKz 0 Kommentare dbljump: LEGO The Hobbit’s 70s cop show-inspired ‘Buddy Up’ trailer shows the power of the buddy system. Warner Bros. Games has released a new 70s cop show-inspired trailer for the upcoming minibrick-powered adventure title… Quelle: The Official Doublejump Tumblr! lego lord of the rings lotr herr der ringe the hobbit trailer 70s
17. Dezember 2013 iKKz 0 Kommentare LEGO: The Hobbit Trailer Quelle: youtube.com lego lord of the rings herr der ringe the hobbit trailer
26. November 2013 iKKz 0 Kommentare LEGO The Hobbit Video Game Erste Screenshots lego lord of the rings herr der ringe the hobbit gaming
23. November 2013 iKKz 0 Kommentare LEGO The Hobbit Video Game EU-Release: Frühjahr 2014 lego lord of the rings herr der ringe the hobbit gaming scans
11. August 2013 iKKz 0 Kommentare Minas Tirith in Minecraft Quelle: reddit.com minecraft lord of the rings lotr herr der ringe