Goku Chibi Papercraft
by c2000jade
Cecil Harvey in Snowy Forest
Cecil (Final Fantasy) paper-figure, photo & retouch: 100% made by me :)
Sorry for the inconvenience of the watermark. Because of my papercraft-photos are all free, I don’t want anyone to use it for the purpose of making a profit.
Okamiden Brushgods
by scarykurt (deviantART)
Beautiful Okami Papercraft by Richard Wong
Okamiden Michigami family
by scarykurt (deviantART)
Claptrap Pappmaché
This Claptrap stands tall at 17 inches and is a mixed medium paper mache sculpture on a square foot wooden base. Materials include wood, metal, newspaper, glue, paper mache clay, various acrylic paints and a sealant. I believe I have over 50 hours into this project and has been a big focus over the last couple of months.
by Mdnghtkith (deviantART)
Okami Papercraft
by scarykurt (deviantART)