Many generations of game controllers, taken apart by Brandon Allen.
Original PlayStation
by philippsmart.
Wish was real.
Sony unveils PlayStation Vita TV microconsole
Sony has surprised everyone with the announcement of a new PlayStation mini-console dubbed the PlayStation Vita TV.
Ridge Racer Type 4 (PSX)
Mein liebstes Rennspiel.
Leute, es sind knackige 36 Grad draußen und somit wird es wieder Zeit für mein persönliches Sommergame Number One: Ridge Racer Type 4!
Crash Bandicoot Fanart
I am in the mood to draw my favorite childhood game. I couldn’t color this because the heat is driving me crazy.
Seems legit.
games worth playing
crash bandicoot
Ah, Crash Bandicoot. Eines meiner ersten PlayStation Spiele damals <3
The Golden Age
Sony’s evidently bringing classy back in the nerdiest fashion possible. The great, golden console above was mailed to Notch — some know him as Markus Persson, more know him as Minecraft’s daddy — as an unfathomably awesome VIP invitation to their E3 event.
As of this writing, the famed developer is unsure if the gold PSone still functions (he’s yet to dig out his cords from storage), but Sony also sending him a copy of Dungeon Master II as another “nerd bribe” seems to suggest the golden classic still has some fight in her.