22. Juni 2014 iKKz 0 Kommentare spyroflame0487: Pokemon TCG Illustrator Sakuba Tokiya draws Pokemon Fusions. And they’re amazing. Quelle: All of Time and Space pokemon pokemon fusion fanart artwork nintendo
29. Juni 2013 iKKz 0 Kommentare Pokémon Fusion: Magnetoise gamefanatics:This isn’t even my final form!Source: r/gaming http://bit.ly/143tQFo Quelle: The Game Fanatics pokemon pokemon fusion fanart artwork
2. Juni 2013 iKKz 0 Kommentare kendallhaleart: Pokedex Entry: Charchamp, the Holy-Balls-I’m-Going-To-Die pokemon This pokemon came straight out of hell. It is known to burn villages, decimate armies, and drown small children. The devil himself weeps when it sings its doomsong.***Update - to see the picture at a larger resolution, go here: http://starvingstudents.deviantart.com/art/CharChamp-374506490?ga_submit_new=10%253A1369873135&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1 Quelle: The Brave Little Illustrator pokemon pokemon fusion fanart