SEGA Mega Drive Classics (PS4)
Announcement Trailer
Featuring 50+ games, including online multiplayer, achievements, mirror modes, rewind and save states.
Release: May 29, 2018
SEGA Mega Drive Classics (PS4)
Announcement Trailer
Featuring 50+ games, including online multiplayer, achievements, mirror modes, rewind and save states.
Release: May 29, 2018
If Minecraft was made in 1992
Created by 98DEMAKE
If Cuphead was made in 1992
Let’s try something a little different this time around. Instead of a PlayStation demake, let’s go to the good old original Game Boy and see how Cuphead might’ve looked like as a Game Boy game.
Blade Runner 2049 : The Game
Pixel art tribute to Blade Runner 2049 in retro game style
If Resident Evil 7 was made in 1998
GunCon Edition
If Resident Evil 7 was made in 1998
FINAL FANTASY IX gibt’s ab sofort als digitalen Download für PS4! Mit Trophäen, Cheats, Autosave und anderen netten Extras.
Link ►
If Bioshock was made in 1998
This one especially took a ridiculous amount of time to create, so I hope you enjoy it!
Holographic Gameboy Stickers made by PiercePopArt
If Minecraft was made in 1998
Created by 98DEMAKE
Sonic Mania -
Announcement Trailer
Im Rahmen des 25th Anniversary kommt Sonic im Frühling 2017 mit einem neuen klassischen 2D-Oldschool-Spiel zurück, das echt ein bisschen so aussieht wie aus der guten alten 16-bit-Zeit.