Mirror’s Edge Werbeanzeige (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
“Mirror’s Edge”
- EGM, October 2008 (#233)
- Mirror’s Edge was a game with a great idea: first-person parkour. Depending on who you ask, it was either successful experiment or a failed one. I picked it up through the Humble Origin Bundle and wasn’t that impressed, which is too bad because I really wanted to like it. Your (linear) paths aren’t always clear and jumping onto pipes/edges is a fickle process. But they’re making a new one, so maybe they’ll be able to iron out the issues.
- I would very like that to have that GameStop promotional bag, though.
CONTRAST Launch Trailer (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
Assassins Creed und GTA ist euch zu Mainstream? Dann solltet ihr euch mal diesen mit Jazz-Musik unterlegten Puzzle-Platformer reinziehen.
Minecraft: Mass Effect Edition
Mojang & Microsoft Unveil Mass Effect Minecraft Mash-Up Pack
[Press release] Mojang, BioWare and Microsoft are incredibly excited to announce the up and coming availability of the first Mash-up pack add-on for Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition, in which worlds from other popular game franchises are fused into Minecraft’s iconic pixelated form.
Developed by 4J Studios and available on Xbox 360 starting Sept. 4 for 320 Microsoft Points ($3.99), the first Mash-up Pack will feature the popular Mass Effect franchise, allowing fans to play in the stunning recreation of the Mars Facility from Mass Effect 3 or create their own worlds with special Mass Effect textures and craft-able items. The Mash-up also includes themed menus and user interface, 36 pixel-perfect Mass Effect character skins and 22 music tracks from the Mass Effect 3 soundtrack.
Custom Painted Xbox 360 Controllers - Submitted by CPControllers
Killer is Dead Screenshots (PS3, Xbox 360)
Man kann in Killer is Dead einem Einhorn begegnen? Ich muss das Spiel haben!
Tits and Ass 5 Ultimate kommt im Herbst
Die aufgebretzelte Version von Tecmos Vorzeige-Prügler, die u.A. mit Momiji einen weiteren Kämpfer aus Ninja Gaiden zieht, erscheint im Herbst diesen Jahres auch in Europa auf PS360.