Mirror’s Edge Werbeanzeige (PC, PS3, Xbox 360)


“Mirror’s Edge”

  • EGM, October 2008 (#233)
  • Mirror’s Edge was a game with a great idea: first-person parkour. Depending on who you ask, it was either successful experiment or a failed one. I picked it up through the Humble Origin Bundle and wasn’t that impressed, which is too bad because I really wanted to like it. Your (linear) paths aren’t always clear and jumping onto pipes/edges is a fickle process. But they’re making a new one, so maybe they’ll be able to iron out the issues.
  • I would very like that to have that GameStop promotional bag, though. 

Minecraft: Mass Effect Edition


Mojang & Microsoft Unveil Mass Effect Minecraft Mash-Up Pack

[Press release] Mojang, BioWare and Microsoft are incredibly excited to announce the up and coming availability of the first Mash-up pack add-on for Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition, in which worlds from other popular game franchises are fused into Minecraft’s iconic pixelated form.

Developed by 4J Studios and available on Xbox 360 starting Sept. 4 for 320 Microsoft Points ($3.99), the first Mash-up Pack will feature the popular Mass Effect franchise, allowing fans to play in the stunning recreation of the Mars Facility from Mass Effect 3 or create their own worlds with special Mass Effect textures and craft-able items. The Mash-up also includes themed menus and user interface, 36 pixel-perfect Mass Effect character skins and 22 music tracks from the Mass Effect 3 soundtrack.

Quelle: The Gamefreaks